Sunday, 2 April 2017

Friends Forever

When I hear people say this person is my best friend, The first thought that comes up in my mind is that were you the one who introduced him/ her to Christ or was it the person who introduced Christ to you.
If your answer is No, then I believe you have to reconsider whom you call your best friend Cause a best friend is that person who is meant to have your back all the time And how can the person have your back when he/she is not spiritually sound and vibrant.
The Bible says... "I was glad when they said to me..let's go into the house of God.". Who is meant to say that to you if its not whom you call your friend, Your friend is meant to support you when you are weak Your friend is meant to hold on to you when you feel like letting go, Your friend is meant to be the one to let you know that you are already going off course, Your friend is meant to help you achieve your purpose because you can't do it alone.
No one ever made it alone Samuel had the permission of Eli to make it.
Moses had to make use of Aaron to be able to deliver his message at Egypt.
Caleb also had Joshua to be able to say the truth as spies.
You can't do it alone. So if you know that you can't do it alone why not just select the kind of friend you want to be seen with, why not select the kind of people who would share in your vision.
Why not select friends who would defend your course.
Jesus selected twelve disciples out of the many he had and his mission was fulfilled.
Joshua selected 300 and his mission was fulfilled.
Elijah selected Elisha and his mission was fulfilled.
Why not select friends who will make your mission fulfilled.
Friends can ruin and can build.
Friends can lead and can mislead.
Check out the calibre of friends you have today, are they truly worth calling friends.
Friends with heavenly view should be your best friends not those with vanity views.
Friends who are friends of Christ should be your friends not sons and daughters of Belial.
Friends who have discovered purpose should be your friends not disoriented ones.

Learn to move with a team of Godly people.

Best friends are friends forever, so choose wisely.
Friends forever.
Adeyeni Pens 2017

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