Monday, 17 April 2017



Easter is here again, and it's a season that most people look forward to because it's a time to unwind, relax, enjoy and spend time with families and friends as it's a season that comes along with a long weekend break.
But how many people really know the meaning of Easter?, who are the people really worthy of celebrating this Easter season.
Easter is a season to celebrate the greatest achievement a man named Jesus Christ made while on earth.
It's a season to remember his life, work, death, and purpose here on earth.
It's a season to share in his pain, grief, and glorification, but its a pity that most of the people celebrating it today have little or no understanding of the meaning or the essence of it, thereby making a mockery of it unknowingly.
Jesus Christ came into this world to settle an age long rift between mankind and his creator. See Gen 3:1-24.
Hr came to be the mediator between man and God. See Heb 9:11-15.
Jesus Christ came to give man a chance at eternal life. See Jude 23.
And because of all this, he endured the shame, the pains, the grief, the blames that man would have had to carry on the last day. See Luke 23:1-56.
But still, it's a pity that most of the people he came to do all this for do not even know that he really did all these for them.
Some don't even know the impact of his coming, of his death, and of his resurrection.
Easter is not for you if:
1. You don't know who Jesus Christ is and if you have not met with him personally. John 14:7
2. You have not accepted him into your life as your Lord and personal saviour. John 13:20
3. You are not a follower or disciple of Jesus Christ. John 8:12.
4. You don't know why Jesus died on the Cross.
5. You are still going contrary to his will and wish for your life. Matt 12:50, John 7:17
6. You are letting the reason of his death be in vain over you.
7. You are still alive to sin but dead to the new life in Christ which he is offering to you. Romans 6:11
8. If all the blood Jesus shed is still not enough to change you from your sinful and evil ways.
9. You still love the world or cherish the things in it. 1 john 2:15.
Easter is not for you if you are not heavenly focused.
Anyone who does not accept the reality of the essence of the suffering, death, resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ is guilty of eternal damnation, and who or what can save a man from that horrible day.
The only thing that can save a man from eternal damnation is to do the following steps mentioned below.
1. By confessing your sins.
2. By acknowledging your evil ways and acts and not going back to them.
3. By accepting Jesus Christ into your life.
4. By really knowing that he died for you to be free.
5. By doing his will and laws which he hath commanded
6. By being a witness for him everywhere you go.
You can only be made right with God through constant fellowship with him.
This Easter can really be for you, if only you would not let the death and resurrection of the man we are celebrating be in vain over you.
Easter is not for everybody but for those who have been redeemed and saved from eternal damnation.
Easter is not only and time of celebrations, but also of reflection about one's faith.
Do your best not be guilty of this easter you are witnessing or celebrating today.
Accept Jesus today.

This article is a routine publication of the Adeyeni's Pen Blog..
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