Saturday, 23 July 2016


Dedicated to all Transporters Since my arrival to this region... I have seen a lot of drivers... And I believe its high time I talk about them.. You would agree with me that some drivers could be fun to ride with, while some could be hell annoying to journey with, while some are good at minding their business... Some are hell good at poke nosing at other driver's issue while still on motion, and as we know that all drivers need a conductor be it a commercial transport or interstate transport,taxi or BRT, even train and plane because they all need someone to sell tickets for them before departure... Some drivers will quarrel with their conductor all along the journey while some will flow along with theirs... And while some conductors are the reserved type that seek for ways to foster peace, some are fire igniters with their comment and response... But all along we the passengers are always amused with the jolly ride also at one point in time relishing the long ride, and one thing common to all these rides is that they are all ones we won't forget in a hurry.. Who are the drivers and who are the conductors/ ticketers I really want to talk about here? Yoruba call them Ólókó or Awako, Igbo call them ọkwọ ụgbọala, Hausa call them direba or direbobi, Because it is believed they are the drivers of this present generations and some have already started driving the next generation currently... They are our parents Drivers are our fathers while the conductors are our mothers. Without them we would not have been at our present port... All we are today and all we'll be tomorrow, we owe to them.. Some even call them our smaller Gods and I agree with that too... Like some transporters... They find it hard to get passengers...but at the end of the day..they still get to return the vehicle to the owner who is God... So to the drivers who have no passengers yet and for those of us who has been riding in a vehicle with both the driver and conductor present making our ride jolly, or those who have only a Driver/Conductor, or none and its our fellow passenger that took to the wheel for us... We have to always celebrate the people behind the wheels and at the door on each of their special days... Its not easy being a only get to know that when you get behind the wheel.. And all in all let's remember to tell our drivers to always allow Jesus take the wheel all the time...and to keep praying for them lest they fail in handling the wheel because they must surely give returns over us. This is a message to celebrate the drivers of this present generation and the coming one... Shout out to my lovely Dad in person of Pastor D.K Ajayi of BCEM ministry Lagos. On your birthday today 23 Jul 2016. And to all the fathers and mothers of my of lovely followers and visitors of my blog... like I said in my welcome not just about Me nor You but about US... Let's always celebrate our parents.


  1. Nice article, pls kip it up

  2. Hej alle sammen, jeg ved, at der er nogen, der læser dette, jeg vil dele et godt stykke arbejde med en stavekaster kaldet DR WALE. MIN mand og jeg havde en kamp, ​​der førte til vores skilsmisse, men da han forlod mig, var en del af min krop og sjæl tilbage med ham, og jeg var trist og græd hele dagen og natten, jeg søgte noget online, da jeg så folk vidne om stort arbejde af DR WALE, og jeg besluttede at også komme i kontakt med DR WALE for at få hjælp. Har jeg kontaktet ham, fortalte han mig, hvad og hvad jeg havde brug for, og jeg gjorde alt, hvad han har sagt, også for mig. Han forsikrede mig om, at inden 72 timer vil min mand vende tilbage til mig, alt for overrasket før 72 timer, hvor min mand er begyndt at sende en sms og ringe til mig. Før nogle dage senere kørte en bil og stoppede uden for mit hus, og det var min mand. Jeg er så glad for, at DR WALE bragte min mand tilbage til sin mening igen. Du kan nå DR WALE med følgende oplysninger nedenfor: E-mail:
    WhatsApp: +2347054019402
