Thursday, 21 July 2016

Call to remember

A Call to remember your creator Do you know a time cometh when you won't be able to run things like you do now Do you know a time cometh when all you would be good at is sleeping Do you know a time cometh when you won't be carry your weight around Do you know a time cometh when you won't be able to eat what you like Do you know a time cometh when you wud be too feeble to stand cold Do you know a time cometh when you wud prefer sun drying Do you know a time cometh when you wud be happy if you lived your youthful days well Do you know a time cometh when your money wud not be able to buy you good health Do you know a time cometh when your beauty will fade away like the stars Do you know a time cometh when your pretty face will wrinkle Do you know a time cometh when your abs and 6-packs will fall off Do you know a time cometh when your clothes will be too big for you Do you know a time cometh when your trumpet shall sound Do you know a time cometh when it will be called the evil day When that day comes what will be your defence or assurance Ecclesiastes 12:1 ERV says Remember your Creator while you are young, before the bad times come—before the years come when you say, “I have wasted my life.” The best time to remember your creator is now Now that you are still young Now that you are still agile Now that you are still single Now that you are still married Now that you are still learning Now that you are still a fresh graduate Now that you are still seeking for a job Now that you are gainfully employed Now that you are still agile Now that you are still pretty Now that you are still sharp Now that you are still pregnant Now that you still nursing a baby Now that you are still a single parent Now that you are still a widower Tomorrow never ends but your tomorrow may not come Now is not tomorrow Now is what you have at hand Hold it steadfastly Your creator beckons on you like the prodigal son's father to come home The bible says “The son realized that he had been very foolish. He thought, ‘All my father’s hired workers have plenty of food. But here I am, almost dead because I have nothing to eat. I will leave and go to my father. I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against God and have done wrong to you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But let me be like one of your hired workers.’ So he left and went to his father. “While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him coming and felt sorry for him. So he ran to him and hugged and kissed him. Luke 15:17-20 ERV Don't turn a deaf might regret it later A call to remember your creator By Ajayi Adeyeni Gabriel

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