Sunday 4 September 2016


You say your name is Olakiitan... Meaning "wealth never ends", Who told you so, that Olakiitan "wealth never ends"? I have seen and heard of so many wealthy people who have at the latter end of their life come down to the poorest state of abject poverty. I have seen the high and mighty come down to nothing and only remember their glory days in tears. But like your name still implies "Olakiitan", Hmmmm, I still know of one type of wealth that never ends. Yes i do know, Its the wealth of having just one asset that gives all other things, its the wealth of having Jesus as ones personal lord and Savior. He's the greatest asset that one can possess and because wealth is determined by the number of assets a man possess, the moment one have Jesus, one has it all.. In him alone lies all what one can ever think of.... He's the asset which we should seek to acquire because when we have him and can show him forth, then our life would be fruitful, we would be recognized as wealthy people. Assets are things that gives us assurance of a secured future, so when we acquire Jesus, we are having an assurance of not just a secured future only but also of eternity. I say Wealth is not defined by the number of worldly properties one have, it is defined by the number of soul we win for Jesus And we can't win soul for Jesus if we ourself don't first possess him.. So we must seek to possess him. And for those who think they already possess him. Are you wealthy enough to showcase Jesus as your one and only asset? Are you proud to show him as your most prized asset? For your present wealth not to end like the name Olakiitan implies.. You need to possess Jesus.. The real people who bear Olakiitan are those who have Jesus... So Receive Jesus today my dear reader. This article is dedicated to a very great sister in the lord... Maximum respect ma Miss Rasaq Olakitan aka Kitanchrist This article was written by Ajayi Adeyeni Gabriel for Adeyeni pens Thanks for taking time out to read this post and other interesting articles on this platform Don't forget to comment and click on share To get interesting personal dedicated articles like this one, contact me by reading my welcome address to get my contact details.

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