Thursday, 26 January 2017


A true story.

 I once knew a woman who lived in the mainland area of Lagos, she was a business woman who sold pure water and soft drinks at whole scale level, she had her shop just beside a very great church, she had lots of fridges and deep freezers and enormous sale merchants who hawked pure water around the streets of Lagos, I always thought she was a Christian because all her children I knew that were my peers where all bearing Christian names like Samson, Priscilla etc.
 One day she died, and all people could say about her was that she never for once attended a church, but that she herself founded her church which was her business, they said the woman was the pastor, her fridges and deep freezers were her ministers, while her sachet waters and canned beverages were her members.
I could not believe my ears, because there was and still till date a bible believing church just beside her shop, how come she never attended the church or any other church for once I asked myself. She died without knowing Christ, her death threw her children into confusion, they knew not Christ and they never even bothered to know him, no church conducted her burial because her ministry was her business, her ministry was her goods, she only replenished people by selling refreshments for them, she never replenished their souls with Christ Jesus. She died a shameless death and did not have a proper burial. Her business crumbled months after she died and that was the end of her.
How about you my reader, what is your own ministry, are you even a member of the true vine? Is your story not like that woman who built her ministry around her business, she never for once knew Christ or bothered to meet with him. She lived a dead life even while being alive, she was not grafted to Jesus. No single person around her could say anything commendable about her, all they said was she died without knowing Jesus Christ, even unbelievers and pagans said so.
 It does not matter how much you enjoy life or how hard you suffer in life, if your ministry is not built around Jesus Christ, you will only die a shameful death. Everyone has a ministry to take charge of.
Discover your ministry
Check your ministry
Upgrade your ministry
Disseminate your ministry
Plant your ministry
Don't let your ministry be your business
Don't let your ministry be your field of profession
Don't let your ministry be your studies.
Let your ministry be founded by Jesus Christ.
Let your ministry be grafted to the true vine.
Let your ministry be for the great commission.
Your ministry should be your priority in life, because you will account for every soul that passed through you.
You can discover your ministry if only you have Jesus Christ who is the real corner stone of the great commission. Confess your sins today. Accept Jesus Christ and forsake your old ways and learn to follow his ways, join a bible believing church, and discover your ministry in Christ Jesus.
Adeyeni's Pen care for the salvation of your soul and many more.... Do good to others by also sharing this message with them.

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