Monday, 1 August 2016

The Real August Visitors

Its a new day, a new week and also a new month. Is it coincidental? I asked myself.. Then I realized that its August and tis a special month in the year because of the term August visitors. Then I wondered who the august visitors are, where they emerged from and why name them august visitors? I can't really answer all of them myself but I know I also need an August visitor to pay me a visit because they may not be around when you shall be rejoicing but they are the cause of your celebration. They may not be around when you will start flourishing but they are the reason why you will be glowing. They may not be around when your time for harvest comes but they were the ones who planted the blessings, Happiness, Joy, freedom, Redemption, Greatness, Success, Promotion, Marital bliss, Peace, Favour and Splendor that you will begin to reap bountifully from because they are the real August visitors. Mere men can never be an August visitor but only angels in human form. They are beyond human imagination.. They were the ones who made their way into the house of Abraham and his marriage became a home. They paid Lot a visit and became his saving grace from destruction. Just one August visitor made his way into the fire with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and fire became breeze to them and did not hurt them. These are the kind of visitors we need in this new month and at a particular time like this in our country. They are special people which their identity will remain encoded to some people because its not everyone who can sense their identity or presence but it is only the sensitive people who can decode their identity and sense their presence. Abraham was sensitive enough to know that they were not mere men that's why he begged them not to pass by his house without stopping for a while to relax.. Lot was sensitive to their identity that's why he never looked back as was their instruction. The three Jewish men were sensitive enough to sense his presence with them that's why they stood their ground not to bow down to a smaller god. So for this month, its not just about praying endlessly for a visit from these angels in human form but also to pray to be sensitive to their identity and presence around us... Some peoples august visitor has been around them for a long while but due to their insensitivity,they have not welcomed them into their life, home, marriage, business, work, studies, plans, project and other aspects of their life, until we understand that though they may come, knock, call out to us to allow them in, Unless we welcome them in, they won't come in unwelcome. So for this new month. I pray that our August visitors shall pay us a visit and that the sensitivity to know their identity and to sense their presence around us that God shall grant it unto us in Jesus name. Don't forget to also pray it fervently not only for yourself but also for your loved ones because you may be their Real August Visitor. God bless you all and happy new month from me Ajayi Adeyeni Gabriel for Adeyeni's Pen. Don't forget to share on your social medias, comment and click on follow through your Google account... Enjoy your week

1 comment:

  1. "Just one August visitor made his way into the fire with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and fire became breeze to them and did not hurt them" keep going Captain
