Sunday, 21 August 2016

Triumphing or Failing Under Test or Pressure

What does it mean to fail under or pressure It means to drop the race baton, It means to tremble before Satan, It means to be a disappointment to God. Its means to declare oneself unfit to partake in the glory to come. It means to fail God before Satan. God does not tempt man but he allows him to be tested to know if he would be worth the glory he is to bestow upon him.. And the test is what puts us under pressure but its a pity that majority of the people fails God test.. Saul was one of such... He's patience was just tested for seven days for the first time and he could not endure which made him fail. Samuel said he would meet Saul at Gilgal. Saul waited there seven days. But Samuel had not yet come to Gilgal, and the soldiers began to leave Saul. So Saul said, “Bring me the burnt offerings and the fellowship offerings.” Then Saul offered the burnt offering. As soon as Saul finished offering that sacrifice, Samuel arrived. Saul went out to meet him. 1 Samuel 13:8‭-‬10 ERV Whereas job was tested over a long period of time and he came out victorious. Vashti lost her position on the Seventh day of the feast of the king because she could not endure the test of being beheld by people whereas the widow of zarepath passed even though it seemed to be her last meal. Who are the people that God allows to be tested? Its his children, his beloved servants, the ones who are faithful and obedient, the ones who a greater glory awaits, those who shun evil and wickedness The bible says Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him. He is a good, faithful man. He respects God and refuses to do evil.” Job 1:8 ERV And while saul failed under pressure, Job did not fail God because he knew the greatest principle which was God gives and he takes it back The bible affirmed this saying "and said, “When I was born into this world, I was naked and had nothing. When I die and leave this world, I will be naked and have nothing. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Praise the name of the Lord!” Job 1:21 ERV, So many of us fail life test because we fail to make use of that principle because the moment we put the principle to use which says God gives and he is the one who takes it back we will triumph before the pressure or test we are passing through. Here are some examples of people who triumphed before test or pessure. Abraham passed- Genesis 22:1‭-‬12, Samuel passed- 1 Samuel 12:1‭-‬5, The widow of zarephat passed 1 Kings 17:10‭-‬16, Job passed Job 1:20‭-‬22, 42:10-17, Jesus passed Matthew 26:39‭, ‬42, In what areas have we been tested? Is it through out personality, needs or wants? Did we pass or fail?. here are also examples of people who failed under test or pressure. Vashti failed Esther 1:10‭-‬11‭, ‬15‭-‬19, Saul failed 1 Samuel 13:1‭-‬15, 14:24-46, 15:17-21, Eli failed 1 Samuel 3:11‭-‬18, Samuel's sons failed 1 Samuel 8:3, Most people fail because they look at the present and hold on to it but forget that there is one person who can make this present and future time they are expectig become past time in a matter of seconds. Most people hold onto and cherish what is called vanity., For God to be able to attest for us We have to hold nothing dear to our hearts lest we fail when it is taken from us, What happens when we fail under test/pressure? We lose our position before God in Christ Jesus to satan, We lose out in the greater glory to come, We become a shame to the body of Christ, If Abraham had failed when God requested for his only son, the promise of God for his life may not have come to pass. If job had failed when he lost everything, he would have died in that affliction. If the widow of zarepath had failed, she would have died of hunger in no time, If Jesus had refused to let the will of God be done at Gethsemane, he may not have been glorified. In what areas has the lord given you up to be tested but you failed him. think of those times you have been shy to proclaim Christ, those times you could not let go of those things that seems like heaven and earth to you. Those times when personality test of people made you fail God just like how they made Saul and vashti failed him. The end is always greater than the beginning for those who triumph before the test God puts them up for. Will you still keep failing God?, Will you keep allowing the devil your adversary triumph over you?, That your marriage crisis may be your test, how will you handle it?, Those your worldly friends that are luring you may be your own pressure to endure, will you fail? Check yourself and you will realize those time you failed woefully, Ask God for forgiveness because you have disappointed him. The bible says Then Samuel received this message from the Lord: “Saul has stopped following me, so I am sorry that I made him king. He is not doing what I tell him.” Samuel became angry and cried to the Lord all night. 1 Samuel 15:10‭-‬11 ERV. God is sorry he placed most of us in a particular position/office which he thought we will use well. Your marriage, work, friends, church, ministry, life, family, needs, wants, personality are position/offices which God believes you can handle well but you failed him. Ask him to forgive you and give you a second chance. May God forgive us and give us the chance to make him proud like Job and Jesus did in Jesus name amen. Thanks for reading this article, I pray that God gives us the insight to uncover the needed message he has for us in this article.. To his name be all the glory, honour and adoration.. Written by Ajayi Adeyeni Gabriel

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Meeting The Real August Visitors

Its a new day and a new week again and we'll still be talking about the Real August visitors, As earlier mentioned in the first article. "They are special people which their identity will remain encoded to some people because its not everyone who can sense their identity or presence". And "until we understand that though they may come, knock, call out to us to allow them in, Unless we welcome them in, they won't come in unwelcome". In this episode, i want us to know that its not every time that they will come knocking on our door like Elijah did with the widow of Zarephath in 1kings 17 vs 8-9, because he was her Real August visitor. To meet some of them, we have to go out of our way to meet, intercept, call and even beg them to come to our house because their mission may not be to our doorsteps yet but our blessings, Happiness, Joy, freedom, Redemption, Greatness, Success, Promotion, Marital bliss, Peace, Favour and Splendor that we will begin to reap bountifully from lies with them in the package they are conveying. But how do we know when they are going to come or where they are going and their route of journey? The bible says. "Later, the Lord again appeared to Abraham near the oak trees of Mamre. It was the hottest part of the day, and Abraham was sitting at the door of his tent. He looked up and saw three men standing in front of him. When he saw the men, he ran to them and bowed before them". Genesis 18:1‭-‬2 ERV . The bible also says. "That evening the two angels came to the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting near the city gates and saw them. He got up and went to them. He bowed to show respect" Genesis 19:1‭ ERV In the first text we can see Abraham sitting at the doors to his tenth and not inside his tenth even though it was a very hot afternoon, he did not decide to stay in the comfort of his tenth. And we can also see Lot in the second text also sitting very close to the city gate and not sitting within the city even though the city was filled with what some people call enjoyment unknown to them that is vanity and ruins. In this two text, God is telling us that the only way we can be able to meet with our August visitor is to leave our comfort zone, our past sinful life, nature, habits, tradition, beliefs, customs, to leave them behind and move outside to the fore front, outside our tenth even at that time when the sun is hot, to leave that life of Sin in our city today to go far away and stay close to the city gate where immorality abideth not. Abraham had been meeting with God many times and even on that day, but he still had to leave the comfort of his tenth to stay outside to meet his august Visitors so that they won't pass him by. Lot too had to leave the life of sin his town was known and associated with so as to be distinguished by the August visitors because had he been within the city when they came, he may have been entangled in one form of sin or another before they arrived and would not have had any form of justification before them. My beloved readers, even if we are sensitive enough to the presence and identity of the Real August visitors, if we are not at the right place, we may still miss their visit, where we ought to be matters a lot. Where is this right place that we ought to be? It is the place of prayer, Praise, worship, a place where we take our stand for Christ, a place where we make the difference clearly known between we and sinners, a place where we disseminate the word of God to them which are in dire need of it, our duty post where we diligently keep watch for the second coming of Christ, a place where we refuel our lamps before the bridegroom arrives. This place must not necessarily be a four walled place called church, its in our home, office, market square, schools, campus, hostel, streets, towns, peer groups etc. Let's take a stand today at the right place where we can be able to see and recognize our Real August visitors. I pray God gives us the insight to decode the encoded message he wants for us in this article.. Have a blessed week and remember that this august won't go by without we receiving a visit from The Real August Visitors. Don't forget to shàre with your family, friends and colleagues at work. Thanks for taking time out to read this article.

Monday, 1 August 2016

The Real August Visitors

Its a new day, a new week and also a new month. Is it coincidental? I asked myself.. Then I realized that its August and tis a special month in the year because of the term August visitors. Then I wondered who the august visitors are, where they emerged from and why name them august visitors? I can't really answer all of them myself but I know I also need an August visitor to pay me a visit because they may not be around when you shall be rejoicing but they are the cause of your celebration. They may not be around when you will start flourishing but they are the reason why you will be glowing. They may not be around when your time for harvest comes but they were the ones who planted the blessings, Happiness, Joy, freedom, Redemption, Greatness, Success, Promotion, Marital bliss, Peace, Favour and Splendor that you will begin to reap bountifully from because they are the real August visitors. Mere men can never be an August visitor but only angels in human form. They are beyond human imagination.. They were the ones who made their way into the house of Abraham and his marriage became a home. They paid Lot a visit and became his saving grace from destruction. Just one August visitor made his way into the fire with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and fire became breeze to them and did not hurt them. These are the kind of visitors we need in this new month and at a particular time like this in our country. They are special people which their identity will remain encoded to some people because its not everyone who can sense their identity or presence but it is only the sensitive people who can decode their identity and sense their presence. Abraham was sensitive enough to know that they were not mere men that's why he begged them not to pass by his house without stopping for a while to relax.. Lot was sensitive to their identity that's why he never looked back as was their instruction. The three Jewish men were sensitive enough to sense his presence with them that's why they stood their ground not to bow down to a smaller god. So for this month, its not just about praying endlessly for a visit from these angels in human form but also to pray to be sensitive to their identity and presence around us... Some peoples august visitor has been around them for a long while but due to their insensitivity,they have not welcomed them into their life, home, marriage, business, work, studies, plans, project and other aspects of their life, until we understand that though they may come, knock, call out to us to allow them in, Unless we welcome them in, they won't come in unwelcome. So for this new month. I pray that our August visitors shall pay us a visit and that the sensitivity to know their identity and to sense their presence around us that God shall grant it unto us in Jesus name. Don't forget to also pray it fervently not only for yourself but also for your loved ones because you may be their Real August Visitor. God bless you all and happy new month from me Ajayi Adeyeni Gabriel for Adeyeni's Pen. Don't forget to share on your social medias, comment and click on follow through your Google account... Enjoy your week