Wednesday 14 June 2017

Dropping the Baton

Dropping the baton

In a relay race, a baton is used to pass on the intensity of the race to another awaiting athlete, and it continues like that until it gets to the athlete for the final lap, so imagine what will happen if any of the athletes dropped the baton instead of passing it on to the next person. It means their chance of finishing top just got a set-back or they may even crash out of the race, it means the athletes ahead will keep waiting, So dropping the baton is not a good thing in the track field.
But do you know that in the race for eternity, so many people/believers do drop the baton before reaching the finishing line or point where its meant to be passed on.
Many Christians today have forgotten their purpose for running the eternity race thereby getting weary and distracted from the journey and dropping the baton thereby making the efforts of the people who delivered the faith unto them be in vain.
Some have dropped the baton and have dashed the hopes of many faithfuls ahead of them awaiting the mantle from them.
Christianity race is an eternal one, it does not start with one person neither would it end with one person. The baton of the good news is meant to be passed on from one person to another, from one generation to another, because it's eternal.
The essence of preaching the gospel to you is for you to be able to one day preach to someone else, the essence of saving you is for you to be able to save others someday. The book of Jude vs 3 says "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints". So why let it end with you? why let it depreciate and lose value in your hands?
The will of the master is for you to go into the world preaching the Gospel unto everyone but you as a born again Christian can't even boast of one soul for Christ for the past 10years you have received the baton of the good news.
Some people did not even lose theirs, some kept theirs, some readjusted theirs, some traded theirs for earthly positions.
The question to you reading this right now is this. What have you done with the baton (faith) that was once delivered unto you.
Is it in your possession or lost.?
Don't lose the baton my dear brother/sister and if you have lost it, God is willing to give you another one.
Don't lose your baton, pass it on quickly to everyone you see.
Don't let the people it was meant for lose out in the eternity race.
Pass on the baton
God bless you as you do so.
Please keep sharing it.

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