Thursday 6 October 2016


Its  October 1st and we are celebrating our dear nation independence. Its been a long walk of freedom for our nation for 56years, but has it been that of freedom for our individual lives?.
Have we truly gained independence and become free from the foreign beings who have held us under their rules in times past?
Can we really say we are enjoying the true benefits of independence?
If our present independent lives were to be weighed on scale with our lives before becoming independent, would there be any noticeable change or difference?.
Change and true independence has been preached to us ever since we claim to have won our fight for freedom, but have we really heeded?.
Are the winds of our past colonized life still not controlling how we sail presently in an era when we are expecting to see change?.
We need to check our lives inertly, to see if there has truly been any wind of change in our lifestyle. Experiencing true independence is what we bargained for when we asked to be free, Let's experience it from this new month.
True independence is not in fighting or any form of violence.
True independence is not in rebellious acts.
True independence is not in cheating our fellow brother because we have power.
True independence is not wanting away from home as a youth, just to be free of discipline. True independence is not in doing what we like.
True independence is not in waiting for change from the top.
True independence is not being free with the world.
True independence is not being far from the word.
True independence is doing what we ought to do.
True independence is being truthful.
True independence is effecting the change from our very home.
True independence is living a fulfilled life.
True independence is being free within our homes as youth.
True independence is in showing love and care.
True independence is being free from Sin.
When we are free from sin, we would be free from oppression, affliction, death, evil attacks, bondage.
Sin colonized our life under his regime by handing us over to the foreign beings of our flesh desires, we fought for our freedom the day we ran to Jesus Christ for salvation, but the winds of reconstructed, repackaged, rebranded, and refurbished sin, soon started controlling the direction we sail while we thought we were still in Christ.
Check your lifestyle today and compare it to the time you were not yet born again. What have changed, Nothing, Little or everything?
 You still need to be free once again to be able to experience true independence.
 True independence is in Christ Jesus and in him alone, Don't let the church, doctrine, styles, and tides of this days blow you away anymore.
True independence is experiencing Jesus and walking according to his will which leads to freedom.
True independence is written by Ajayi Adeyeni Gabriel
Happy Independence day, and a new month
from Adeyeni's Pens